My top recommendations for shows to watch while you’re stuck at home during quarantine. If the coronavirus is making us stay at home we might as well catch up on our binge watching.
My number one recommendation! It’s the show Trey and I are currently watching and are LOVING. It was created in Spain but has been re-voiced over in English. Money Heist is all about this group of thieves breaking into the Mint of Spain to make their own money. It’s exciting and different! It’s only 3 seasons (with rumors of a 4th set to air soon) but each episode is full of action and always ends on a cliff hanger. (Netflix)
An absolute classic!! Ever since Disney+ came out I’ve been making my way through all the memorable shows of my childhood. When all the COVID-19 stuff got announced I started with season 1. I’m already to season 7 now and it’s been an emotional rollercoaster. An awesome coming of age story full of love, friendship, and life situations. (Disney+
If you haven’t watched Schitt’s Creek yet you are missing out!! It’s a hilarious story about a family that loses all of their money and is forced to move to a teeny tiny town that they had purchased years ago as a joke. Schitt’s Creek is a full family production because it was created and produced by Dan Levy who also stars in the show, his father Eugene Levy, plays the dad, and his sister also has a role in the show! (Netflix)
One of my favorite shows! If you need a good laugh with a little bit of drama WATCH THIS!! You’ll laugh and be at the edge of your seat at the same time! (Netflix)
If you’re wanting more a reality show style you have to watch Next in Fashion! It’s hosted by Tan France (from Queer Eye) and designers are given challenges each episode. It’s like Project Runway but everyone is really nice and supportive. (Netflix)
Other great recommendations of shows to watch while you’re stuck at home- How I Met Your Mother, Queer Eye, Friends, The Office (Just watched the episode where Michael proposes to Holly and cried like a baby… true love just brings on the water works for me).
If you’re sick of watching tv check out these tips for self care during self quarantine
In the midst of COVID-19, cities are quickly changing regulations in order to slow down the spread of coronavirus. Kansas City made it mandatory that all nonessential businesses close their doors and urged people to not leave their homes unless absolutely necessary. If you are doing your part and staying inside your house as much as possible it’s important to practice self care during self quarantine.
Social distancing or staying inside your home for a long period of time can become pretty lonely, pretty fast. Be sure to meet your own needs and emotions everyday to keep your spirits up. Here are a few ways to practice self care during self quarantine:
Start (or continue) a gratitude journal. It’s a simple thing that can make all the difference in your day. Start off each morning by writing down five (5) things you are grateful for or excited to do that day. This will get your mind in a positive space before your day fully begins. At the end of the day make another list of five (5) more things that made you happy throughout the day. Beginning and ending each day positively will keep you thankful and happy. Gratitude journals are a great thing to have even when you aren’t experiencing a pandemic.
It’s easy to get sucked into our phones when we are bored. DON’T FALL INTO THIS TRAP! Reading too much about coronavirus will add way more stress to your life. Stay updated on new updates but don’t fall down the rabbit hole. Social media is a blessing and curse in todays society, it gives us information but sometimes it’s too much. Give yourself a specific amount of time you’re allowed to browse the internet.
If you start to feel lonely invite your friends that are also self quarantining to a virtual coffee date or wine night. There are tons of ways to video chat nowadays. Get together on the google hangout, the houseparty app, skype, facetime, or zoom.
Now it the PERFECT time to start that thing that you’ve been wanting to do but have been putting off because you “don’t have a enough time”, yea that thing- do that! Or brainstorm something completely new you want to try. I ordered a cross-stitching kit off amazon, I going to learn how to cross-stitch/ embroider.
The quickest way to fell stuck in your house, is by making yourself stuck in your house. Get your body moving with some in home workouts. Since so many gyms had to close their doors during this time there are a ton of online fitness options. Aside from all of the workout videos on youtube you can also sign up for 30 days of yoga or follow LÜM Health Studio on social media for their IGTV or insta-story workouts. Stay active. Stay healthy.
My ideal night is a long hot bath with a candle burning and a great bath bomb. Give yourself a little spa day with all the works; face mask, essential oils, candles, and of course a bubble bath. Da Bomb Bath Bombs are my absolute favorite (they always come with a cute little surprise!)
Since you’ll be cutting down your screen time trade it in for some face to face time with a great book.
Currently reading: How to Win Friends and Influence People.
Next up: You Are A Badass
As of right now it’s completely ok to go outside! You actually need to go outside to get some fresh air. Just continue to do your social distancing by staying at least 6 feet away from other people. Take a quick (or a looooong) walk around the block or ride you bike. Fresh air and sunshine will make all the difference.
During times of such uncertainty remember to take care of yourself. These are just a few ways to keep yourself happy and entertained all while staying healthy.
If you need a playlist to listen to check out this one for some good heartfelt tunes.
Ready to watch some tv? Let’s Netflix + Chill
If you’re like a majority of the country right now, or let’s get real – if you’re like a majority of the world right now, you’re probably somewhere between slightly nervous to full blown panic. If amidst all of the coronavirus drama you’re also engaged, you’re probably wondering “will the coronavirus affect your wedding”?
Regardless if the media is just trying to create hysteria, there still is a lot of panic going around.
If your wedding is coming up within the next few months it is important to think about your options.
As of right now in the midst of every major sport cancelling their seasons, schools closing for the rest of the semester, and large companies encouraging employees to work from home…. I think the main risk you’d face for your wedding would be creating too much of a “crowd”. Italy has officially banned people from gathering. The governor of Kansas has declared no groups larger than 100 people. BUT there are solutions to this problem.
I know, I know easier said then done. Your family and friends will completely understand if you change your huge party into an intimate gathering. You can does this easily by only inviting your immediate family. If you’re immediate families still make a group larger than the size restrictions consider eloping! Just you, your partner, your officiant, and your photographer. Keep the ceremony incredibly small and host a large party for everyone once the world is healthy again.
Hold your wedding exactly as you planned but have your guests celebrate with you from the comfort of their own homes. With todays technology you can live stream any event just at your finger tips. You can set up a Zoom call or Facebook Live right into a fb group. Everyone will get to share in the day in real time.
Now to everyone’s least favorite option. If your wedding is scheduled in an area that’s high risk the best option might be to push back your date. (I truly think this is only a worst case scenario option). BUT we never know so let’s prepare ourselves just incase. If none of the other options work for you, consider choosing a date that falls on a weekday. That will be the easiest way for you to reschedule with all of your vendors at an earlier date instead of having to wait until 2021 or even 2022.
Hopefully in a couple weeks the coronavirus and all it’s drama will blow over. Once the world can start turning again everything will go back to normal. For most couples the coronavirus won’t affect your wedding but it’s never a bad idea to be prepared.
I have to admit, I was one of the people at the grocery stores buying an extra pack of toilet paper (only 1 though!), some more hand soap, and a couple cans of soup. I might have let the panic get to me ever so slightly. Even though I took a little precaution I am still 110% prepared to cover your wedding day. Even if plans have to be adjusted I am here to help. Wether we keep the big party or switch to an intimate ceremony I will be there. I can even help set up a live stream for you and your guests! I am here for you, to serve you, and to help alleviate some stress – let me know what you need.
The most important thing to remember is – virus or no virus the wedding will still happen one way or another! You two will get married and spend the rest of your lives together. We won’t let the coronavirus affect your wedding day.
What a crazy story to tell in the future though, right?!
p.s. please wash your hands regularly for 20 seconds (happy birthday 2x – that’s all it takes!)
Interested in having an intimate ceremony – here’s how to plan a simple wedding in Kansas City